Michelle Marshalian

Michelle Marshalian is an Economist at the Regional Development and Multi-level Governance division of the Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities (CFE) where she manages the OECD project on Enhancing Innovation in Rural Regions. She uses microdata for firm and labour analysis and develops partnerships for access to timely, and granular resources to fill the gap of information in data poor regions. In addition, she manages an advisory committee on rural innovation consisting of academics and industry representatives. Michelle previously taught advanced econometrics and impact evaluation for public policy making at Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, worked for the World Bank conducting Jobs Diagnostic reviews, managed government relations at the Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD and held research positions at other research institutes in the US, UK and France prior to joining the OECD. She holds a PhD in Economics from Paris-Dauphine (France), a dual Masters from the London School of Economics and Sciences Po, Paris, and a dual Bachelors of Arts and Sciences in Economics and International Area studies from UCLA.
